Ventis Villas - AMENITIES

Ventis Villas is offered complete with recreational amenities and basic facilities that will cater to the needs of each valued member of the community.

The entrance will be guarded by security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will include a 24-hour roving personnel. The grand entrance gate will have a guardhouse. High perimeter fences will be placed around the area for added security.

The property will be delivered complete with water and drainage facilities. The power will be supplied by Meralco. Safety and precaution was observed throughout the set-up and construction process for these facilities.

There will be an outdoor basketball court for people who love playing basketball, landscaped jogging paths and walkways for individuals who take jogging as a part of their routine or loves taking a walk during their free time.

Turnover date for Ventis Villas house units is still unannounced. Preselling is still ongoing. Due to the limited number of slots allotted for sale, interested buyers may speak to an agent to know more about the available slots and for other queries regarding the construction process and other requirements.

  • Multi Purpose Hall with Covered Basketball Court
  • Wide Open space with lush landscaping
  • Guardhouse with 24 hour security personnel
  • Gated community enclosed with perimeter fence
  • Complete Water(Maynilad) drainage and sewerage facilities
  • Complete electrical(MERALCO) facilities
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